Young Ballymun

Hello from the team in Youngballymun

Hello everyone, In this time of uncertainty, I would like to link with you on behalf of all the team in Youngballymun.  We are continuing to work with local families and groups providing telephone support, video calls and facilitating our current groups to meet online where …

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Circle of Security Facilitator Training in Dublin in April 2020

Youngballymun are delighted to announce we will be hosting Circle of Security Facilitator Training© in Dublin in April 2020.  This is the only training planned for Ireland next year and places are usually booked out so early booking is advisable.   The training will be facilitated …

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Talk and Play Everyday

Talk and Play Everyday (TPE) is a weekly playgroup  for parents and their 12-24 month old toddlers in Ballymun. The group runs weekly for one hour during school term-time from September to June.  Within this group, parents enjoy playtime with their toddler to support their …

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Welcome to Youngballymun’s new look Website

Our new website reflects a new phase for the staff and board of Youngballymun. Over the past year, many discussions have taken place to plan and map the way forward for the organisation into the future. Here in Ballymun we offer supports to both parents …

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Circle of Security Parenting

Circle of Security® Parenting™ is a parent-reflection program offering the core components of the evidence-based and internationally acclaimed COS protocol.  There is an 8 – 10 week program for parents and caregivers and a four-day training for professionals. For parents/ caregivers At times all parents and …

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