Young Ballymun

The Circle of Security® Parenting™ Programme

The Circle of Security® Parenting™ program is based on decades of research about how secure parent-child relationships can be supported and strengthened. Secure children are happier, less angry, kinder, and able to get on better with family and friends. They trust the people they love and are able to solve problems.

Youngballymun hosts an in-person Circle of Security Training for Facilitators each year, bringing over trainers from Circle of Security International.  All bookings are done directly through COS and upcoming trainings can be found here

The Circle of Security® Parenting™ – Resources read more

Quotes from practitioners

  • “Attachment based theory is the foundation of the work we do with families in Geraldstown house and staff have engaged in attachment based training in the past. However, I feel Circle of Security provides parents with a clear, simple, jargon free roadmap. The content is presented in such a way that parents are given a language to decode what their children need and in the course of the group that I am co-facilitating I can see parents really connect with the material and apply it to their own situations. Therefore, it offers our service another tool to engage parents in reflecting on their relationships with their children.”  – TUSLA, Child and Family Agency, Project worker
  • “This programme has been invaluable in so many ways. Even with individual clients, I feel that I have a much greater awareness of where parents and children are “on the circle” and have a much richer vocabulary to describe what I might have had a feeling about before. I am so much more aware of even my own shark music in my work with families, and am very lucky to have a framework for understanding what my own attachment needs might be.  I have been lucky enough to be part of an Infant Mental Health network study group where we have looked at some of the aspects of the programme in more detail (Core Sensitivies, Shark Music, Being With) and this has given me a richer understanding of the programme” – Speech and Language Therapist, Health Service Executive
  • “We have found the Circle of Security program invaluable in supporting families. It is a very positive program to deliver at the start of a family’s journey with their child into Disability services, a journey which is different from the one planned”. – Manager – Disability Services, Health Service Executive 

Contact: 087 690 7709