Young Ballymun

Talk and Play Every Day

Parents have said:

“I learned to be patient.  I learned to sit face-to-face and when he is doing something to explain what he is doing.  I learned to play games in ways he enjoys”

“My daughter enjoyed being around other children and I think this had a positive impact on her.  She was always excited to go to the group”.

“Talk and Play has helped me a lot with my youngest daughter and myself.  Since we joined the first class, I am convinced that it is exactly what we needed, Mother and daughter. I really noticed how these classes have benefitted us both mutually.  I have seen how little by little she has increased her confidence in herself.  And I think it would be very important to mention that she always comes out with a big smile.”

For Who?

Parents of 12 – 24 month olds

Access via self-referral or from any local service 

What can I expect?

A weekly play group (1 hour 15 minutes) for parents and toddlers (during term time), with access to a Speech and Language Therapist.  You will be recognised as the expert on your own child.  The structure of Talk and Play Every Day is predictable yet flexible in order to support the developmental and emotional needs of toddlers aged 12 – 24 months, with no more than 10 children and their parents in attendance.

Regular events in each session are: 

  • Arrival and ‘settling in’ time: Parents and toddlers generally arrive within the first ten minutes of the session.
  • Group time:
    • Singing a song with actions to get everyone together in a circle
    • “Hello Song”, including all of the toddlers names
    • The facilitators briefly introduce the Let’s Focus On for the session
  • Play time:  parents playing with their toddler who is choosing what to explore and play with; facilitators moving around the room modelling supportive interaction styles and helping parents observe and interpret their child’s interests, behaviours and actions.  
  • Group time – music and movement activity (clean-up, nursery rhymes or other group activities such as bubbles/ parachute)
  • Good-bye song: everyone in the group singing along and clapping hands to support toddlers understanding of transition to the end of the group

Why do we do it?

Talk and Play Every Day provides an opportunity to enhance parents’ skills in supporting their child at this stage of development in a relaxed and fun atmosphere.  A range of “Let’s focus on ….” ideas have been prepared by the facilitators to support parents skills in tuning into their child’s interests, to see the environment from their child’s point of view and to support their learning, language, physical and social-emotional development.  

Find out more:

or contact Tracey at 087 3412196