Talk and Play Everyday (TPE) is a weekly playgroup for parents and their 12-24 month old toddlers in Ballymun.
The group runs weekly for one hour during school term-time from September to June. Within this group, parents enjoy playtime with their toddler to support their child’s learning, language and social-emotional development. Each week, the facilitators introduce a basic strategy for parents to practise with their toddler during their playtime in order to support their child’s language and learning and also to support atunement in the parent-child relationship, e.g. “follow your child’s interest in play”; “copy your child’s actions”; “comment on your child’s actions”.
The layout of the room, the resources provided and processes used within the group aim to facilitate development of Gross Motor Skills, Fine Motor Skills, Constructive Play, Symbolic Play, Language Development, Pre-literacy Skills and Social-Emotional Development. Talk and Play Everyday also provides parents with peer support giving them the opportunity to meet other parents who have children the same age. The maximum number in attendance each week is 10 parents and toddlers and 2 facilitators.
Click here to view the latest gallery of the team at Glás Community Garden Shangan