Young Ballymun

Our Story Sacks programme returned online

While we all miss our face to face groups, having story sacks online meant parents and families got the opportunity to have children involved in creation of their story sacks projects, further building on strengthening the relationship between parents and children.

Story Sacks ran online via zoom over 8 weeks within 3 local schools.

Each week we covered a different component of the programme modelling hugging your book, reading routines & different writing genres.

Story Sacks packs were made up with a cotton tote bag, a book, bespoke activities to match the books theme and all of the arts & crafts materials needed to participate each week. In conjunction with 3  local Home School Community Liaison Teachers, story sacks packs were sent home to families who registered for the programme.

Overall, the conversion of Story Sacks online was a great success!

“Having it online meant I could participate at home while I’m working, usually I can’t attend these programmes”

“My daughter loves her book and I actually didn’t know she was that creative, she made those puppets herself and mixed the paints too

“He was so proud to see what I was doing and his teacher was able to talk to him about it in school because she knew I was doing it…”