Young Ballymun


Parents Plus Children’s Programme

For who: 

Parents/Caregivers of children attending primary school

What can I expect:

  • The programme takes place once a week, 2 1/2 hours for 8-10 weeks in a community setting. 
  • The programme explores positive communication with children, encourages childrens social skills and understanding their emotions. 
  • Get the opportunity to explore and share ideas on parenting with other parents. 
  • Learn well researched methods of problem solving with children, establishing routines and encouraging children’s learning/supporting homework.
  • The course promotes confidence, learning and positive behaviour in children.

Why we do it:

Parenting is one of the hardest but most important jobs in the world, sometimes we feel out of our depth and need a space to talk and get support with the challenges that come with being a parent. This programme gives parents that support in a structured way, valuing every mam, dad, parent/caregivers expertise on their own family. 

Parents Plus Healthy Families Programme

For who:

Mams, Dads, Parents/Caregivers of children attending primary school

What can I expect:

  • The programme takes place once a week, 2 1/2 hours for 8-10 weeks in a community setting. 
  • The programme supports Mams, Dads, parents/Caregivers to recognise unhealthy environments and how to manage them. 
  •  To encourage healthy eating habits and enjoy family meal times.
  • To increase activity and physical exercise 
  • To introduce good habits around screen time and technology use
  • To promote positive self-esteem and emotional wellbeing. 

Why we do it:

Over the years parents have expressed concerns about how much time kids spend on technology or being fussy about food and have picked up bad habits. We all know it can be very hard to break bad habits even when we want to. This programme looks at ways to introduce new habits that naturally replace the harder to break habits. It gives parents the opportunity to introduce more positive choices with the support of other parents and understand the external influences such as ads on TV on our children that push unhealthy choices. 

Triple P Fearless Programme

For Who:

What can I expect:

Why we do it:

Wilderness Explorer After School Programme

Run in the Glas Community Garden with GAP Ballymun

For Who:

Mams, Dads, Parents/Caregivers who have no access to outside space or are interested in learning about biodiversity as a family. 

What can I expect:

  • The programme is an 8 week after school programme 3.15 to 4.30pm with a Halloween Workshop and Christmas Workshop.  
  • As a family you and your children will explore the garden and learn about all the different plants and herbs that grow in the garden.
  • You will plant vegetables and tend to them each week by weeding and watering them. 
  • Make bird feeders and hang them around the garden. 
  • Learn about bees, go on a bug hunt. 
  • Make things out of clay for the fairy garden. 
  • Enjoy story time 

Why we do it:

Research shows that spending time outdoors has a positive effect on how we feel. Spending time in natural light can reduce stress. Outdoor activities can stimulate all five senses in a way that indoor activities cannot. 

We want to give families with no outdoor space access to the garden in a fun and educational way. 

There are numerous benefits for children having access to outdoor space these include; social, emotional, physical and intellectual development as well as having fun.  

Wilderness Explorer Toddler Programme

For Who:

Mams, Dads, Parents/Caregivers of toddlers aged 2-4 years

What can I expect:

A six week programme based on Talk & Play Everyday principles run in Glás community garden 10-11am. 

Each week starts with some time to explore the garden, we come together for a song, each session has a different theme we chat about the theme then play away until clean up and finish with some songs. We search for bugs, plant vegetables and plants, have messy play or dig in the sand.  

Why we do it:

The Wilderness Explorer Toddler Programme gives Mams, Dads, parents/caregivers and toddlers an opportunity to explore the world of biodiversity in the community garden. Research shows that outdoor activities can stimulate all five senses. Being outdoors can improve our mood and reduce stress.  Toddlers learn by observing the world around them developing the skill of discovery. 


Paediatric First Aid, CPR Training Workshop, Managing Anxiety In Children Workshop, Managing Technology Use Workshop, Keeping My Family Safe Online Workshop, Mindfulness Toolkit Workshop And Managing Homework Workshop   

For Who:

Parents of children from birth to 12

What can I expect: 

A two hour workshop on different themes identified by parents

Why we do it: